1. Add 3 spoons of Soulflower Lavender Himalayan Pink Rock Bath Salt to warm water circulate well (Wooden spoon inside the box)
2. Settle in and soak your body or feet into the warm water.
3. Mix with Soulflower essential oil or massage oil and use as a scrub. Rinse thoroughly.
Shower and wash thoroughly before taking a detox bath.
Fill your tub with water that is about 98-100 degrees, just at or slightly above body temperature. This allows for maximum absorption and will also make you sweat. If you prefer hot baths, then enjoy it hot. You'll still experience an effective detox. Dissolve Himalayan salts in the tub while it’s getting filled. If your salts are chunky, you may need to let them sit overnight in a large pot of water to fully dissolve. If using essential oils, add them to the running water as your tub fills. Soak in the tub for as long as feels comfortable, 40 minutes is generally recommended.