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5 Annoying Summer Hair Problems and Their Solutions

5 Annoying Summer Hair Problems and Their Solutions

Summer is a season of bright days, beach holidays, and outdoor activities. But unfortunately, there are some typical hair issues you may experience during this season. From oily scalp, dandruff to fading of hair color, many hair problems may trouble you simultaneously in this hot climate. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the most common hair issues that you may experience during summer and offer effective tips and tricks to deal with unwanted frizzy, dehydrated, or uncontrollable tresses and keep your hair looking healthy, shiny, and manageable.

1. Greasy Scalp

Sebum production is essential for normal functioning of our body. But it gets overactivated in summers due to several factors and high temperature is one of them. Excess oil production can lead to your scalp being greasy. To fight this, use a gentle clarifying shampoo to remove the excess oil and residue from the scalp and hair. It’s also important not to over wash your hair as this causes more oils to be produced. Rather try to wash your hair at least every other day or when needed and use a good dry shampoo to give your scalp a boost when the time between washes gets longer.

We recommend-

A gentle, sulphate free cleanser that rids your scalp of buildup without stripping it of any natural oils. With a powerful trio like coconut extract, tea tree and apple cider vinegar, your scalp will feel clean and refreshed.

2. Hairfall

Exposure to harsh sunlight, combined with factors like dust and pollution, makes hair fragile and thus prone to hair fall. To prevent these from damaging your hair, use hair oil that promotes hair growth while strengthening the roots. Cover hair with a hat when you’re outdoors. If you like swimming, rinse your hair with fresh water to remove chlorine or saltwater after swimming.. Also, you should nourish your hair with deep conditioning moisturizer once a week to make it healthy and resilient. Always make sure none of your hair products contain harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens, else your hair will lose moisture and natural oils.

We recommend-

A highly effective hair growth serum that is made with a potent mix of Redensyl,  Anagain, Baicapil, Caffeine, Biotin Plant Keratin and Rice Water. Concentrated yet lightweight for everyday use. It does not leave a greasy or oily residue on your hair and scalp.

3. Dandruff

Sweating and humidity in summers create an ideal environment for the growth of the yeast Malassezia globosa, which causes dandruff. This yeast feeds on the oils produced by the scalp and results in itching and scaling. Look for ingredients derived from plants or herbs known for their anti-fungal and soothing properties, which can help target Malassezia globosa while maintaining a healthy scalp environment. Avoid washing your hair with hot water as this increases dryness of the scalp and flakiness.

We recommend-

Effortlessly cleans dandruff at its roots, relieving a clean & healthy scalp while soothing itchiness by providing a detoxifying scalp treatment.

4. Frizzy Hair & Split Ends

To prevent this, use an anti-frizz conditioner which works by coating the hair strands, smoothening the cuticle, and locking in moisture. It is also important to prevent the over usage of hot styling tools as they further aggravate dryness and frizziness of the hair. Rather you should let your hair air-dry or use a diffuser on your hair dryer on low heat settings.

We recommend-

Controls frizz and enhances the shine of hair with organically sourced Orbignya Speciosa Kernel Oil as an alternative to sulfates, ensuring residue build up after conditioning.

5. Dry & Itchy Scalp

Dry skin, stripped of natural oils and nourishment, might lead to itchy scalp which can not only be embarrassing but painful too. To resolve this, seek products with ingredients like tea tree oil or aloe vera that could give some relief from inflammation and itching. It also helps to add a leave-in conditioner or a scalp mask to the routine in order to alleviate the problem and maintain moisture balance. Lastly, pay attention to your diet and hydration levels, as staying hydrated and consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can also contribute to a healthier scalp and hair.

We recommend-

A potent solution for dry, itchy hair, harnessing the power of six oils including argan, rosemary, almond, rose, and sesame to nourish your scalp, reduce dandruff, and relieve itching.
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